《地狱厨房(美版) 第十七季》是一部由戈登·拉姆齐主演的欧美综艺节目。该节目于2017年在欧美地区首播,属于竞技类真人秀节目。
"Hell's Kitchen (US) Season Seventeen" is a TV series starring Gordon Ramsay European and American variety shows. The show premiered in Europe and America in 2017 and is a competitive reality show.
In this season of the show, Gordon Ramsay continues to serve as host and Season 10 winner Christina Wilson and Top Chef UK judge James "Jocky" Petrie return as Sous Chef for the Red Team and Blue Team respectively, along with Door Dino Monferrato as the head greeter. This season's program has a total of eight new contestants and eight old contestants in fierce competition. In a twist on previous seasons, this season's winner will earn the opportunity to serve as executive chef at Gordon Ramsay's Hell's Kitchen restaurant at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, Nevada.
The start of this season is different from the first season, there is no male player to form the blue team , Female players form the red team setting. Additionally, this is the third time in the past four seasons that a player has been eliminated from service, and the first quarter since season 13 that no player from the winning team has been eliminated, and since season 12 there have been two Circumstances in which a player leaves voluntarily. In addition, this is also the first quarter in which players choose to leave voluntarily before the finals. Ariel Contreras-Fox, who finished third in season six, won the event, making her the sixth straight female contestant to win after a returning contestant from the previous season. She is also the ninth contestant to win the competition without being nominated for elimination. The previous nine winners are Kimberly-Ann Ryan, Megan Gill, Latasha McCutchen, Christina Wilson, Huo Leigh Ugald, Dave Levy, Heather West and Michael Ray.
1. 《地狱厨房(美版) 第十七季》这部综艺由谁主演? 《地狱厨房(美版) 第十七季》这部综艺由戈登·拉姆齐主演。他作为厨艺界的知名人物和主持人,在节目中展现了他的烹饪技巧和严苛的评判标准。 2. 这部综艺是在哪个年份在欧美产生的? 《地狱厨房(美版) 第十七季》这部综艺是在2017年在欧美产生的。该季的推出为观众带来了一系列精彩的烹饪竞赛和激烈的厨艺对决。 3. 这部综艺属于什么类型? 《地狱厨房(美版) 第十七季》属于欧美综艺类型的节目。该综艺以烹饪为主题,展现了厨师们在厨房中的竞争和创造力。 4. 这部综艺的主持人是谁? 这部综艺的主持人是戈登·拉姆齐。作为知名厨师和电视人物,他在节目中充满激情地引导和评价厨师们的表现。 5. 综艺节目的内容是关于什么的? 综艺节目《地狱厨房(美版) 第十七季》的内容主要是关于烹饪和厨艺的竞赛。参赛厨师们在限定时间内完成各种挑战,展示他们的才华和创造力。 6. 这部综艺节目有哪些亮点? 《地狱厨房(美版) 第十七季》这部综艺节目有许多亮点。其中包括激烈的竞争氛围、高难度的烹饪任务、戈登·拉姆齐的严格评判和厨师们展示的独特菜品和技巧。 7. 综艺节目的制作质量如何? 《地狱厨房(美版) 第十七季》这部综艺节目的制作质量非常出色。从拍摄技术到后期制作,节目展现了高品质的视觉效果和声音效果,使观众获得沉浸式的观影体验。
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